no soup for you

It’s hard to be in a good mood today. This is one of those days that my “invisible illness” is pretty goddamn out there for the world to see. My transplanted kidney is going through another “nephrotic” episode. Loosely translated, it leaks. The end result is my legs are swollen. So badly that you can see it through my pants (insert your own bad innuendo here). It makes even walking difficult. But I’ll Foghorn my way through it.

My doctor told me that I don’t need to limit my fluids, that only 1% of my kidney function is dedicated to processing exceed fluid. I have to limit it anyways, at least until this passes. Instead of drinking a gallon of water I may as well just strap it to my leg.

Time to watch my diet even closer. Really limit my sodium intake and be selective. Bland, boring foods until further notice. Bottom line, if it’s scrumptious then I can’t eat it.